Alicia Viguer-Espert

My Summer Tutor

Favored the Socratic Method,
Interrogated, expected truths
Not opinions gathered like moss by bark,
Said, perhaps; asked, were there exceptions,
Why would you behave this way not another?
Never stopped questioning.

Often repeated her hero’s aphorism 
about an unexamined life not worth living.
Promoted dialogues, as she called them,
To season arguments at communal Agapes. 
Taught me essential questions were urgent,
Solutions everyone’s life-time enterprise.

In her mind, everything turned personal,
Unlike Pre-Socratic philosophers,
Those ancient scientists trying to figure out 
Natural phenomena, Earth’s sphericity
musica universalis, and geometry,
Disrobing humanity to itself was her goal.

I preferred her to my regular teacher
A pince-nez, metal rimmed fellow,
A toad croaking a single repetitive song from
His uninspired repertoire. We ignored his apathy, 
Fantasied about having Socrates puzzling us
With questions in the classroom’s market place. 

Our conversations about mind’s mysteries exposed
Flaws, acumen, but also my hunger for truth,
She introduced me to Epicurus’ undiluted trinity: 
The company of friends, freedom, and introspection 
As the sole foundation of pleasure. Life, like food, 
Couldn’t be savored alone, by humans, only wolves.

During our last session a sparrow flew in,
Disoriented hit the glass window trying to escape, 
In a second my tutor walked to the kitchen
Poured pinion nuts on a saucer sitting on the desk,
Watched it descend from its frantic flight to eat,
Then, bird in hand, she walked outside whispering 

“That’s all you need,” as we finished the pinions.  
Didn’t own the big house, a new car, nor money
But never ate alone, and the pleasure of giving often
Dispelled, in front of my eyes, the mist of confusion 
Young hearts feel as threads from her friendship wove 
The Epicurean mantle whose memory warms me still.

The assignment

I remember the date
the twenty-nine
days folding themselves
on top of each other
like fresh washed laundry
still my assignment
bursting with suds 
bleached out
a ballad to be
written of the last
summer days
was not to come
hidden in the tree
trunks dried hollow
a mysterious forest
of unsprouted love
it rained the whole  
week passionately
wanting you
disdaining your poor
upbringing all
the same
twitting friends
watching clouds
diving in the blue
ocean of the sky
still couldn’t reach 
rhythm rhyme nor 
the hidden heart
of this unfinished
Summer poem.


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