Beverly Higginson

The Summer of Johnny

Wake up each morning--what day is it?
It didn't matter--one week left of Mr. Taylor's
summer biology class, and the days after
would be like a month of Saturdays

Velvet voiced Johnny Mathis
performing in concert at The Greek
three 15-year old teens are going
Sandy, Cin, and me--none of us drivers yet

In heels and stockings, sleeveless flirty 
outfits, our straightened hair in defiance
of moisture that might alter our dressed-up look,
but not spoil our excitement--we love Johnny

We ride in the backseat behind the heads 
of reluctant, concerned, licensed parents--
Sandy's---eyes seemingly in the back of her
mother's head        Are we being watched?

Dropped off at the box office, smiles overtake
our faces as we watch them drive away
to adult pursuits--we become the adults,
saunter to the window to buy tickets

then watch as the window comes down
in our faces--SOLD OUT
instantly we are children again
inexperienced fawns staring at a locked gate

"Why the sad faces ladies?"
a stranger with long hair inquires
Surfer? Hippie? Lovechild?
bold again we tell him, "No tickets."

He says, "My girlfriend and I never pay.
Freedom is our way of life."
he points to the hillside across the street
the brambles, the bushes, a path
"Best seat in the house right up there."

The warm night invigorates us
three heads tilt together in thought
eyes search each other's faces
Sandy to Cin to me---should we? Do we dare?

Minutes later, linked hand in hand, a human chain of five
climbs up the dark path--the two leading souls fearless--
the three trailing links, more doubtful with every step
the space narrow, rocky, we duck branches and 
prickly leaves under dim   distant   stars

Sandy breaks first: "I don't like this."
she yanks Cin's hand--the link severs
I yank Sandy
we three stumble backwards, bursting our own bubble
down, down the path we tumble to the ground fully awake--
like falling out of a dream

Stockings ripped, twigs in our hair,
our spirit as broken as the strap on Cin's shoe
we notice a crowd at the back gate
surrounding a two-seater convertible MG--
someone says: "Johnny's car."
Johnny's car?

They are the faithful--we join with them as one
listening futilely to hear closing strains of music
over gates that after an eternity     open
revealing the man himself, sucking on a lemon
still in full makeup, perfectly arched eyebrows
wearing an open collared shirt in pastel peach

He signs autographs, waves regally to the adoring crowd
his driver gets behind the wheel
Johnny with his lemon climbs into the passenger side
fans stand back........but not us

As the car roars away, we three have lost our minds
we run after the red MG
we catch it!
stopped by a red light, Johnny reaches back over
the open canvas top
our fingers touch...

We had missed the concert,
every song, lyric, and note
but we returned with a prize
Johnny's juicy lemon,
pulpy and slightly squished

We preserved it in formaldehyde
from summer biology class
to preserve the memory of that night,
no formaldehyde needed


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