Lori Wall-Holloway

Summer Gloom? 

Early morning grey 
covers June sky 
when my husband and I decide 
to take two granddaughters 
to visit a closed school
they used to attend
We notice the property’s 
bushes and trees are overgrown
likely due to students
leaving with hurried 
good-byes to loved teachers
all because of a pandemic

Down the street we spot 
a beautiful male peacock 
with midnight blue neck
A long train of feathers 
trails behind him while two 
brown females with color
green gracing their necks 
look for food ahead
We follow the birds
accompanied by a friendly
black cat wearing a red collar

We hear a caw from above 
and notice atop a roof 
positioned like a weather 
vane  an older bird is calling 
to one hidden in a cluster of trees

A granddaughter sees a third 
disappear around the corner
where we are excited
to discover not just two
peahens but four peachicks

While the male watches 
from across the way 
one mother and the chicks
fly up to the top of a wall 
to find safety on a rooftop 

Amazed at the scene
we agree what turned 
out to be a gloomy
beginning to our day  
became a sunny memory 
for the start of summer


(Dedicated to my dad
who enjoyed life like 
a big kid)

Family summer visits 
to Disneyland were not 
complete unless we went 
to Fantasyland to go 
on the Mad Tea Party 
Ride with my father 
who loved to see 
how fast he could spin 
one of the colorful teacups 
that sits atop a moving 
turntable painted
with a spiral to depict 
the Mad Hatter’s craziness

Radiating excitement
once the ride begins 
my dad turns the metal 
ring in the center 
of the cup so rapidly 
it causes us to whirl
around with such speed 
we become dizzy

Some of my siblings cry 
for him to quit while others 
are giddy with an adrenalin 
The force of the rotation
pushes us together 
as we yell for dad
to go faster and faster

Until  -

Mom’s voice
is heard above 
the screams
when she laughingly 
shouts,  “Bob, stop!”


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