Mike Sonksen

Fabian From the Miccosukees

Fabian from the Miccosukee tribe 
the airboat 
through the Everglades
taking turns 
like a skater in a half pipe

Water sprays up sawgrass 
& yellow calla lilies 
in the vast maze
of swampland 

Fabian nonchalantly tells stories of alligators,
water moccasins, raccoons & wading birds 
comfortable with gators, 
he circles the boat
back to feed snacks 
to every alligator 
he sees

A native of the Everglades, 
born on Tear Island,
Buffalo Tiger was their tribe’s last traditional chief

One with the ecosystem, 
Fabian is the Everglades,
in the sawgrass prairie, 
when our ride ends he says,
“welcome to my world.” 


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