Shih-Fang Wang

This Summer

This summer flowers are still glorious
Birds continue to sing gleefully
But I won’t sing along 
The heat is not to be blamed 
It’s the air stifled by fear

The sun scorches land as usual
It is not of its concern
What happens on Earth

More locusts swarm across continents
Least of their care is 
The human disaster

Time still inches forward
It won’t speed up 
To bring our badly needed solution

Greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise
Heat waves again may break the record
Different types of extreme weather lines up
Horrify us more than ever

Fights in the world still get heated 
Shouts spew spite and spit viruses
The death toll continues to rise
We become insensitive to the losses
As they turn into numbers

Nature does not negotiate
Our next summer will be better
Only if we come together 
To fend off these pandemic threats


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